Alumni Spotlight: Jack Ginty

We love hearing from our Alumni! For this blog post we are putting a spotlight on MCC Alum Jack Ginty! For the summer of 1998, Jack was a team leader working with both the MCC and MDOL Youth Program.  He took youth out into the woods and they repaired storm damage from the ice storm and some erosion control work. Jack is now working at Maine Department of Labor!

There are some people who would pay to be out here doing this!

How did serving with MCC affect your personal and professional growth?

Confidence with my outdoor working skills and I learned new ways of creating solutions without power tools and trips to home depot!

What is your favorite memory with MCC?

Working at Spectacle Pond with my team and enjoying the fine weather and a really relaxed atmosphere for the environment lesson.

What was your reasoning for joining the MCC?

Needed the money for another round of Grad School.

Why should prospective members join?

You can make a difference.  It’s short enough that the rat -race won’t miss you and the skill and confidence you get will more than make up for delaying entry into your field.



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